New England Burials at sea adds an online 53 language translator–due to increased international demand.
The New England Burials At Sea company has added the new Google Language Translator to its site www.NewEnglandBurialsAtSea to keep international client families more informed. Captain Brad White said, “Our recent international client base is growing and this new online translator program answers many of our client family questions with a simple key stroke.” New England Burials at Sea is the east coast’s larger provider of organized sea burials for both ash scatterings and full body at sea burials. Founded in 2006, many funeral homes and the military rely on the fast turn around time that NEBAS provides for client families in their time of need.
How to use the Translator
- On the right side of each page, find Translate to:
- Click the down arrow, and highlight your language (in blue) and click to select.
- Click the “Translate” button below.
- The page will translate to your language
- To return to the original language (English), click “return to original”
- When you mouse over the text of the site, a bubble will appear which shows each paragraph in the original language (English)
- To return to English, go to the top right (above the blue bar) and click “Original”.
- The entire site will return to English.
Note: The Google translator uses Flash and may not work as expected on some devices.
If you have a Special Language proficiency and would like to work with New England Burials at Sea in a location near you, our human resources office will be happy to interview you over the phone. For an up-to-date list of locations, please go to Burial At Sea Services and, Locations We Service in the top menu. If you do not see your location listed, please feel free to submit your credential for consideration, as new locations are added frequently.
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