Boston Funeral Guide


Everything you need to plan a funeral or celebration-of-life gathering in the Boston area.

Wm.J.Mills & Company Canvas Products

Mills Canvas

Makers of the best canvas products on the planet! I have been using Mills bags for over 27 years and they wear better every year.

-Captain Brad

A website providing old fashioned, down home information about Norwell, Massachusetts.  Featuring facts about the town, schools, and local business information.

Coastal Waters Forecast

NOAA’s National Weather Service Taunton MA. Coastal waters from the Merrimack River MA
to Watch Hill RI out to 25 Nautical miles.

Sport Fishing Massachusetts

Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries website.

Massachusetts Office of Travel and Tourism.

Animated Knots by Grog

Online animated knot teaching tool.

Death For Beginners


DEATH FOR BEGINNERS Your No-Nonsense, Money-Saving Guide to Planning for the Inevitable. A book by Karen Jones.