Hakai Magazine:
South Shore News: Three part print mini-series with podcasts 2018-2019:

My Generation Podcast: Introduction
My Generation Podcast: Pre-Planning
Click the image below to watch Captain Brad take Tyler, from UPD Urns on a Burial at Sea out of Portsmouth, NH.
Please see our recent 30 second spots here:
Check out our founder’s welcome video here:
Intro to burial at sea services for scatterings and full body burials:
A Full Body burial at Sea can be seen at:
Burials at Sea on the Jay Talking Podcast
Capt. Brad White Interviewed on “The Financial Exchange” (WRKO AM680 Boston) on February 11th, 2016
WRKO Interview February 11, 2016
New England Burials at Sea 60 Second Radio Ad. June 19, 2015
NEBAS 60 Second Ad June 19, 2015
New England Burials at Sea 60 Second Radio Ad. June 19, 2015
NEBAS 60 Second Ad June 19, 2015
Interview with Brad White. June 23rd, 2014 WATD-FM 95.9
WATD-FM 95.9 June 23rd, 2014
Interview with Brad White. June 23rd, 2014 WATD-FM 95.9, Call In Segment
WATD-FM 95.9 June 23rd, 2014, Call-In
Interview with Brad White. June 6th, 2014 WBZ 1030 Boston,
June 6th, 2014 WBZ 1030 Boston
Interview with Brad White. July 25th, 2013 WATD-FM 95.9
Audio Podcast of Captain Brad White Discussing Cape Cod. April 11th, 2011Audio Podcast of Captain Brad White Discussing Cape Cod. April 11th, 2011
Radio Advertising
Ten Second Radio Ad: NewEnglandBurials10
Thirty Second Radio Ad: NewEnglandBurials30
Testimonial Radio Ad: NewEnglandBurials(60) TESTOMONIAL
Should you have additional questions:
We have a new online educational series called “Cap Chats is a 14 part / One minute +/- each videos” for helpful Burial At Sea planning clips by two licensed USCG Master Captains to help and assist families in their decision making of how to honor their loved one’s final sea burial wishes. Topics range from how to select a provider, types of available services, how to scatter, seniors and children aboard, safety at sea, weather planning, costs, unusual requests and more.
Intro to burial at sea services for scatterings and full body burials:
A Full Body burial at Sea can be seen at:
You can see a fuller description of services here: A fire side chat description of sea burials with actual footage of scatterings and full body sea burials by New England Burials At Sea with many answers to common FAQ’s. Full of info on how to plan and design.