Soon Everyone Will Be Able to Send Their Cremated Ashes Into Space
New England Burials at Sea® has modernized the centuries old tradition of ash scatterings and burials at sea and is now exploring options to make Burials in Space not only a reality, but accessible to every one.
Up until now only the wealthy and notable could have their cremated ashes committed to a space burial. You may have heard of people like James Doohan, Gene Roddenberry, and Timothy Leary having their ashes committed to space funerals in the low Earth orbit where they circle the planet before eventually burning up in the Earth’s atmosphere.
Currently the cost of having your ashes shot into space is in the thousands of dollars and not accessible to many of us. However with the growing demand for alternative, eco friendly funerals, privatization of the space program, and leaps forward in more affordable technology, ash scatterings in space may soon be as common as burials at sea.
In an exciting look into the near future, celestial cemeteries are being proposed as well. The possibility of having your ashes shot into deep space in a permanent orbit instead of eventually being burnt up in the Earth’s atmosphere is closer to being reality than fiction. Having your ashes deposited on the surface of the moon is also becoming a very real option for what to do with yours or a loved ones ashes.
While Space Burials may not be accessible for everyone right now, traditional ash scatterings at sea, and full body burials at sea are a time honored tradition still available through New England Burials at Sea.
“Our Lunar Logistics Department is a work in progress–please sign up here for email news about exciting moon and celestial burial developments as they happen”